“Broker” Versus “Parasite”: A Comparison of Two Award-Winning Korean Dramas

As the trailer for Broker highlights, this 2022 Korean film is from the same studio that created the 2019 Oscar-winner Parasite.  Both films contain a blend of mystery and family and social drama, although Parasite is overall much darker and well merits its thriller genre.  Broker exhibits beautiful artistry and social commentary like Parasite, but …

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White Chocolate Peanut Butter Chex Mix (with Gluten-Free Option)

I invented this recipe as a Christmas treat for family and friends, and it was such a hit, I decided to write the instructions down and share it for other peanut butter chocolate fans.  This recipe offers a lighter alternative to Muddy Buddy mix recipes, but with a similar flavor profile and significantly less mess. …

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Poems for the Autumn: A Collection of Korean Poetry by Ahn Do-Hyun

For me at least, every poetry journey starts in an unexpected way.  If you’re reading this after watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo on Netflix, then your journey to this spot had the same origin as mine a few months ago: the brief quote from the poem “Charcoal” by Ahn Do-Hyun that appears in Episode 12 of …

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5 Ways To Repurpose Notecards You’ve Received

“Write what you know” is a piece of advice I’ve often followed, but I never thought it would lead me here.  If your struggles are similar to mine, though, I hope the tips below will prove useful.  These ideas apply to any cards you receive—birthday, Christmas, thank you notes, or even blank cards that you …

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Un-clear Dis-tinctions: The Difference Between Two Prefixes You May Often Confuse

Have you ever wondered if it mattered whether someone was unorganized versus disorganized?  If this topic leaves you uninterested (or quickly becoming disinterested), then read no further.  Intrigued?  Read on. The prefix dis- has multiple meanings: “not; absence of; opposite of; undo, do the opposite of; deprive of; remove; free from; used as an intensive.”  …

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Be More Efficient: Two Tips for Graphic Design

Staring at a blank piece of paper is perhaps the hardest part of the creative process.  One of the benefits, yet pitfalls, of digital design or writing is that you can easily erase your work and start over.  There isn’t even a crumpled wad of paper on the desk or in the wastebasket to remind …

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Different Forms of Figurative

While on a writing ramble several years ago, I discovered that I love connections. What do I mean by that?  Many things.  In communication, connection can mean clarifying an idea, showing how items relate, or bridging the divide between speaker and audience.  On the other hand, connection in business can involve seeing how data relates …

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