You Are Yahweh (I AM)

You are the Light which guides my way,
The Bread that satisfies my need,
The water which washes away
My sin, the Shepherd who will lead
Me safe, the Door and the Way of
Everlasting life, the Truth who
Sets the captive free, who for love
Died, crucified on the cross, to
Bear the wrath that was due my sin,
The Vine in which abide those who
Bear his fruit and are hid in him,
The Life whom death could not subdue,
The prophet true, the mighty king,
The bright and morning star, the sun
Of righteousness, and the dayspring,
The Word, and David’s greater Son,
The branch grown from the promised root,
The priest and sacrificial Lamb,
Judah’s lion and Jesse’s shoot,
Jesus, Yahweh, the great I AM.

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